Developing Assets in our Students

2 11 2007

With the beginning of a new quarter comes a new unit to study.  In this case, we are going to be working on a program from Lutheran Social Services called Asset-Building for young people.  Apparently, studies indicate that students who have more assets have more success in life.  Well, I’m hoping that a few months honing my students’ assets will do just that.

Sometimes this stuff seems kind of canned, but I’m hoping we can relate it to the kids’ lives enough that they get some immediate benefit from it.  I’m thinking it’ll be an easy segue from our “Extra-Curricular Documentary” unit that we are finishing Monday.

I would like to upload the videos that students created for the aforementioned project, but I did not get many permission forms for Internet publishing that I hoped…so we are limited to a local audience rather than seeing what the whole world thinks of our work.



One response

11 01 2008

well i personally think everyone has assets. some people just don’t realize it and wallow in self pity

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